2011 - 2022 Dodge Durango 6.2L Rear Suspension Torques

2018 Dodge Durango Rear End Torque Specs

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Dodge Durango 6.2L Repair Information

Dodge Durango 6.2L Rear End Repair Information

Here you can find information regarding repairs to the Dodge Durango rear end system. These repairs include the rear control arms installation, the rear swaybar information and bolt torque specs, the rear diff fluid change procedures, and the rear end watts system installation. All of these repairs and procedures include in depth details on how to perform the replacement and or repair. They also contain all the detailed torque specs needed for each bolt involved in the repair.

Rear Differential Torque Specs

Dodge Durango Rear swaybar
On the Dodge Durango the rear end ring gear bolts get tightened down to 115 ft-lbs. The rear carrier bearing caps can be tightened down to 100 ft-lbs. The rear differential backing plate to the differential get tightened down to 30 ft-lbs. Be sure to use some silicon sealant around the cover to ensure that the rear end fluid does not leak out.

Dodge Durango Rear End Ring Gear Torque Specs : 115 ft-lbs

Dodge Durango Rear Carrier Bearing Caps Torque Specs : 100 ft-lbs

Dodge Durango Rear Diff Backing Plate Torque Specs : 30 ft-lbs


Rear Control Arms Torque Specs

Dodge Durango Rear Control Arms
On the Dodge Durango the rear suspension is held together through a series of control arms which aid to dampen the effects and bumps caused by the road. This particular suspension system consists of a series of tension, toe, and camber links which connect to various parts of the rear steering knuckle and vehicle frame as shown in the picture. When installing new bushings and control bars be sure to tighten them down to the following torque specs. The rear camber link needs to be torqued down to 81 ft-lbs when connected to the knuckle and 62 ft-lbs when connected to the cradle. The rear Tension link needs to be tightened down to 75 ft-lbs regardless on which side of the link you are tightening. Lastly the rear Toe link needs to be tightened down to 62 ft-lbs on the cradle side and 79 ft-lbs on the knuckle side.

Dodge Durango Rear Camber Link to Cradle Torque Specs : 62 ft-lbs

Dodge Durango Rear Camber Link to Knuckle Torque Specs : 81 ft-lbs

Dodge Durango Rear Tension Link to Cradle Torque Specs : 74 ft-lbs

Dodge Durango Rear Tension Link to Knuckle Torque Specs : 79 ft-lbs

Dodge Durango Rear Toe Link to Cradle Torque Specs : 62 ft-lbs

Dodge Durango Rear Toe Link to Knuckle Torque Specs : 79 ft-lbs


Rear Shock Installation

Dodge Durango Rear struts
To replace the rear shocks on the Dodge Durango you will need to lift the vehicle up into the air and start by removing the tire on the side you want to replace. With that removed we can now remove the bolts and nuts that hold the shock to the vehicle frame and lower control arm. Starting with the lower end there should be a single bolt with a nut that holds the shock onto the vehicles lower control arm. Moving to the upper fastener there should be a series of nuts which holds the shock to the vehicles frame. When installing the new shock system be sure to torque down the upper shock fasteners to 48 ft-lbs and then the lower shock bolt to 173 ft-lbs.

Dodge Durango Rear Shock Upper Bolts Torque Spec : 48 ft-lbs

Dodge Durango Rear Shock Lower Bolt Torque Spec : 173 ft-lbs


Rear Differential / Axle Torque Specs
Rear End Ring Gear with E-locker Torque Spec 115 ft-lbs
Rear Carrier Bearing Cap Torque Spec 100 ft-lbs
Rear Axle Backing Plate Torque Spec 30 ft-lbs
Rear Control Arms Torque Specs
Rear Camber Link to Cradle Torque Spec 62 ft-lbs
Rear Camber Link to Knuckle Torque Spec 81 ft-lbs
Rear Tension Link to Cradle Torque Spec 74 ft-lbs
Rear Tension Link to Knuckle Torque Spec 79 ft-lbs
Rear Toe Link to Cradle Torque Spec 62 ft-lbs
Rear Toe Link to Knuckle Torque Spec 79 ft-lbs
Rear Shock Torque Specs
Rear Shock Upper Bolts Torque Spec 48 ft-lbs
Rear Shock Lower Bolt Torque Spec 173 ft-lbs